Weekly cavnessHR Update
for october 2, 2018
Big news for cavnessHR this past week is that Lisa Murtha https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-murtha-2b4b84108/ has joined cavnessHR to help us with our Business Development. Lisa is going to be a great help to the growth of cavnessHR.
We sent our draft equity plan, draft salary plan and draft fundraising plan to our Board of Advisors . . .
Show Notes for the cavnessHR Podcast
A talk with Robert Lee - A career entrepreneur
The cavnessHR podcast – A talk with Robert Lee
The cavnessHR Podcast can be found at the following places or you can just type in cavnessHR on the respective app.
iTunes: https://cavnesshr.co/theca54f53
Soundcloud: https://cavnesshr.co/theca1c867
Stitcher: . . .
cavnessHR Weekly Update
for September 25, 2018
As usual, lots of moving pieces going at cavnessHR this past week.
We went to a presentation on applying to YC Combinator that was hosted by Avni Patel Thompson.
https://www.linkedin.com/in/apatelthompson/ She is an alumnus of YC combinator and gave us a great presentation. She covered the entire process from applying to going . . .
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
A talk with Melissa Williams of Carolina Consulting
The cavnessHR Podcast can be found at the following places or you can just type in cavnessHR on the respective app.
iTunes: https://cavnesshr.co/theca54f53
Soundcloud: https://cavnesshr.co/thecaf3c8b
Stitcher: https://cavnesshr.co/theca0ef13
Spotify: https://cavnesshr.co/theca26ce3
YouTube: . . .
Weekly cavnessHR Update
for September 18, 2018
This was a busy week filled with lots of events and other items.
We had our monthly meeting with one of our Board of Advisors, Dr. D. Anthony Myles. He provided us with some great feedback on several items. As I have said before, we don't see how other startups don't have a Board of Advisors. The value they provide is . . .
Show Notes for the cavnessHR Podcast
A talk with Victoria Matey of Matey Events
The cavnessHR podcast – A talk with Victoria Matey
The cavnessHR Podcast can be found at the following places or you can just type in cavnessHR on the respective app.
iTunes: https://cavnesshr.co/theca54f53
Soundcloud: https://cavnesshr.co/theca1aa9e
Stitcher: https://cavnesshr.co/thecad3cb7
. . .
cavnessHR Weekly Update
for September 11, 2018
cavnessHR is competing in the Business Impact NW Pitch competition. We are currently in the video round. You have to finish in the top 8 of the video round to advance to the pitch round. cavnessHR is currently in 9th place. We ask that you vote for the cavnessHR video at the link below.
click the link, click the cavnessHR video and then . . .