A Talk with Tej Yale Founder/CEO of ThinkImpact Inc.
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Jason’s email: jasoncavness@cavnessHR.com
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
We talk about the following
Tej’s company ThinkImpact1st
What is Digital Media
What people get wrong about social media
Why is HR important
Tej’s Bio
Tej Yale is the Founder/CEO of ThinkImpact Inc, which was founded in June 2017 and ThinkHelping, a non-profit within ThinkImpact. ThinkImpact Inc. is based out of Rochester Hills, Michigan and works with organizations to help expand their digital footprint. In addition to helping companies expand their digital presence, ThinkImpact Inc. also provides Graphic Design, Website Development, Project Management/Coordination, Marketing Consulting, and Event Promotion.
Tej recently won the Young Alumni 10 within 10 Award from Oakland University, which recognizes business leaders that are making an impact in the local community. As a result of winning this award, it has opened doors for the company, such as a partnership with the local mayor’s office, being a keynote speaker at the Michigan Fashion Summit – and also getting featured in the local press. The company serves a wide array of clients in various industries – Tech, Diversity/Inclusion, 3D printing, Medical Technology, Property Management, AGV/Robotics, Staffing/Recruiting, Renewable Energy.
ThinkHelping works with local nonprofits providing marketing-related services but at a much cost ffective rate, and really prides itself on making an impact in the community. In the short time that this non-profit was found, ThinkHelping has secured clients in the Michigan area.
Tej’s Social Media
Tej’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tej-yale-b7053319/
ThinkImpact1st Website: https://www.thinkimpact1st.com/
ThinkImpact1st FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ThinkImpact1/
ThinkImpact1st Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThinkImpact1st
ThinkImpact1st Instagram: @thinkimpact1st
Tej’s Advice
I would say for any aspiring entrepreneur out there to really be empathetic to the process as a whole. Actually secure a client rather than going through the checklist of securing the client because the process to get there is a long road. Be empathetic to each part of that trail to landing the client, and also think about how you can provide value to the client, rather than just thinking. Oh, it's a great client for me.
Have a much more broad sense of how you can provide value even though it may not be something you may be familiar with, think about providing value. Because that's important at the end of the day.
Develop a Minimal Viable Product. That's a concept that's described in a book called “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries. So basically, what my point here is to have a real business need, rather than turning a hobby into a business. Because the more solutions it can provide, the better it will be.
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