A talk with Shaun Frankson - Plastic Bank CoFounder and CTO - Making Plastic Waste Currency to Fight Ocean Plastic and Poverty
on the cavnessHR podcast
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We talk about the following
How Shaun created a system to strategize the _____ out of anything.
Gamifying plastic recycling.
Why are we addicted to plastic?
How they are helping the world’s bottom billion
Shaun’s Bio
Shaun Frankson is the co-founder and CTO for Plastic Bank, a social enterprise that makes plastic waste a currency to FIGHT Ocean plastic while reducing global poverty at the same time.
Plastic Bank creates ethically sourced recycling ecosystems that ignite a Social Plastic revolution, uniting & enrolling humanity for local action that creates a global impact.
Shaun is globally recognized as a leading authority on blockchain for good and designing systems for the world’s bottom billion.
Shaun’s mission is to inspire others to live a life of purpose and love every minute of it.
Shaun’s Social Media
Shaun’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/shaunfrankson/
Company Website: https://plasticbank.com/
Company FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/PlasticBank/
Company Twitter: @plasticbank
Company Instagram: @plasticbank
Shaun’s Advice
I think one of the most intimidating things is thinking that you need to have all the answers. Anytime you're trying to do something big, you're not the person day one who can do everything you're trying to do. You just need to commit to become the person you need to be. Just figure it out as you go and don't need to be intimidated by the fact that you don't have all the answers and that's a good thing.
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