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Jason’s email:
@cavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
We talk about the following
Do sales really cure all?
What to look for when hiring a salesperson.
What characteristics make a successful salesperson?
Do salespeople or sales programs fail?
David’s Bio
Ledge is a many-time founder with 20 years of experience in high tech businesses, and 10 years of direct sales experience. He’s a closer. He’s helped multiple companies break the $1M sales mark and has personally closed more than $34M of business for his employers, partners, and clients. Ledge co-founded Add1Zero with the express purpose of bringing senior sales expertise to B2B technology and services companies who are looking to leap from founder-led sales into 10x revenue growth.
David’s Resources
If any of this stuff resonates with you and you're a B2B technology services related type of company. I'd be happy to offer to your podcast listeners a 30-minute assessment.
I'll get on the phone, I'll answer any questions you want, or we'll get on video. Just hash through and I'll do some free consulting for you.
So happy to do a free 30 minute assessment for anybody that wants to book one with me. Just say you heard about it from the cavnessHR podcast.
David’s Social Media
David’s LinkedIn:
Company Website:
David’s Advice
I just think, man get out there and sell and promote yourself. Never forget you know people and that you can use your network and what you need to do is tell them what you're doing. Tell them what you're interested in. Whether that's LinkedIn or email or whatever, like all of us have piles of contacts and people who care. Just tell people what you're doing and what you're looking for. Everybody knows somebody. The worst thing you can do is sit around and wait an email or lead to drop or a phone to ring. If you have free moments and you want to grow your business, tell somebody about your business.
The cavnessHR Podcast can be found at the following places.
Apple Podcasts: Amazon Alexa:
YouTube: Twitch:
Pocket Casts: Stitcher:
Spotify: TuneIn:
Google Play: PodMust:
iHeartRADIO: Deezer:
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