Vote for cavnessHR
in the business impact NW pitch competition
You can now vote for cavnessHR for the Business Impact NW pitch competition. You can vote once a day from August 25 to September 3.
Forward this to your friends and family. Hell, forward it to your enemies as well. That way they . . .
cavnessHR Weekly Update
We have lots going on
This was a busy and intriguing week for cavnessHR as we had lots going on.
I was able to work with customer service at our email campaign manager at and they were able to figure out the challenges with the email.
So that was a great help and the customer service experience with . . .
cavnessHR Weekly Updates
some ups and some downs
As with most things in life, this week was up and down for cavnessHR.
We received the intro/outro for our podcast and we are happy with it.
Below are the links to the audio. Take a listen and let me know what you think.
I continue to work on the . . .
Weekly cavnessHR Update
starting off slow and finishing with a bang!!!
The last 7 days started off pretty frustrating, because of some tech challenges. Which I go into below. But it ended with great momentum and I will cover that as well.
We figured out why I was not receiving emails to my email. However, now our emails for our HR laws from our website are no longer being sent . . .
cavnessHR Business Feasibility and Market Research
that was submitted to the businessimpactnw pitch competition.
Below is the Business Feasibility and Market Research that was turned in to the BusinessImpactNW as the requirements for the next round. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Business Feasibility for cavnessHR
First, I would like to talk about the great team at cavnessHR. Without the great team at cavnessHR, none of . . .
Weekly cavnessHR Update
update on the progress of cavnessHR
Another busy week at cavnessHR.
We went to the Seattle Public Library and received help from Jay Lymon - twitter @jaylyman in putting together the market research for cavnessHR. This was one of the requirements for the BusinessImpactNW pitch competition. We could not of done this without his help.
. . .cavnessHR Update
there is always something to do
The above video symbolizes how cavnessHR "crushed it" this past week.
One big item I believe for someone to do if they are starting a business is to continually learn. This week I did this by reading the book Angel by Jason Calacanis. The book is written from the perspective of enticing more . . .