What makes someone great and what does it mean to be great?
To different people being great can mean different things. It can mean being the best at your chosen profession. To others it can mean always doing your best regardless of your circumstances. Still to others it means to always being there for others. There might be a dictionary definition of great. But the word great means many things to many people.
Who decides if someone is great? Can you decide yourself that you’re great? Or does someone else have to validate that you are great? Does the method you decide you are great differ from how someone else would decide you are great? To me these are interesting questions and we could all have quite a conversation discussing this.
Is it really value added to be considered great or to be doing great things? Has the term great become so common that it has lost some value. If everyone is now “great”, doesn’t that mean that we are now all just average?
For me what makes someone great and what it means to be great is this. Are you helping to solve problems every day? Are you making others better every day? If you are doing these two items, then to me, you are being great every day. The problem you help to solve does not have to be a world changer. It can be a simple problem that only helps one person. But the key is that you are doing your part to make this a better place.
To make someone better does not require a lifetime commitment on your part. It just requires that you make a small investment in your time to assist someone else. This could be anything from showing someone an easier way to make a product to being a mentor.
There are many ways for you to be great. Which way will you chose to be great?
Be Great Every Day!
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Be Great Every Day!