People and Organizations I follow
on social media
It has been about a year since I came up with the idea for cavnessHR. During this time, I have met and followed a few people on social media. Or I have met them at networking events. These are people who I believe bring myself and others value. They do their best to make things better for everyone. I believe they all inspire . . .
Yearly Wrap Up
and my goals for 2017
For my final blog of the year, I am going to do a recap of 2016 and talk about my goals for 2017. I plan to come to the point where I can publish an annual report like Mathias Jakobsen @thnkclrly and does. But I am not to that point yet.
As with most people I had my ups and downs during 2016. The . . .
14 Things to do for Success
in 2017
As we prepare to end the year, it is never too early to start planning our success for the next year. Below are 14 things you can do to ensure your success in 2017.
Anticipate your department’s needs:
Being a reliable source for your supervisor and seeing opportunities for your department to improve are great ways to be . . .
I Found a Job!
and what else I have been doing
I have been quite busy since the last time I submitted a blog. That is something I intend to do on a more regular basis. I have been looking for a job that would be a fit and I have invested time and resources in my company cavnesshr.
I will go into some detail on both below.
I started my job search January 2015 and applied . . .
Feedback on my Business Idea
Breakdown of Responses
One item that you hear over and over again when you start a business. Is that you must validate your idea. You must prove that you have product market fit for your idea or you will just be wasting your time. The build it and they will buy usually does not work. Building a business is not like the "Field of Dreams".
. . .
I have a Name for my Startup
After a long process
I have decided that the name for my Startup will be cavnessHR. Coming up with this name was not easy. Even though it is my own last name. As I said in my last blog post, I looked at 1724 possible names over a three month period before I came up with the six names I asked people to vote on for me.
The highest vote getters were InvivoHR . . .
I Need Help Naming my Startup
Naming a Startup is not easy or at least not for me
Go to the bottom and click on the link and vote for the name of my Startup.
Selecting a name for your Startup is not easy. Or at least it has not been easy for me. There are just so many rules you should follow. It has to be a name people can easily spell. It has to be something memorable. It has to be a name that will inspire. It . . .