cavnessHR Weekly Update
May 22, 2018
We attended the monthly South Sound SHRM meeting. This is a great place to network and meet other HR professionals.
Virgilio Cintron gave a great presentation on HR metrics/data/analytics. It was very informative and he talked about how many . . .
Show Notes for the cavnessHR Podcast
A talk with Skylar Bjorn
Go to the bottom of the Show Notes for cavnessHR affiliates and resources
The cavnessHR Podcast can be found at the following places or you can just type in cavnessHR on the respective app.
. . .
Weekly cavnessHR Update
for May 15, 2018
We finally started drafting our HR for small business blogs. We have about 7 drafts done so far.
We are sending these to two separate email lists once they are done. One will go to our fellow members at MBApierce. This is the group cavnessHR belongs to that is made up of the construction companies in Pierce . . .
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
A talk with Cheryl Ingram
The cavnessHR podcast – A talk with Cheryl Ingram
Go to the bottom of the Show Notes for cavnessHR affiliates and resources
The cavnessHR Podcast can be found at the following places or you can just type in cavnessHR on the respective app.
Stitcher: . . .
cavnessHR Weekly Update
for May 8, 2018
The big news for this week is we have our 2nd paying customer. This will allow us to learn more
and put us on the path to future success. What is really exciting about this customer is we have the potential to gain more customers due to our relationship with our newest customer.
We helped to lead a breakout session on the . . .
Show Notes for the cavnessHR Podcast
a talk with Peter Pease
Go to the bottom of the Show Notes for cavnessHR affiliates and resources
The cavnessHR Podcast can be found at the following places or you can just type in cavnessHR on the respective app.
Stitcher: . . .
Weekly cavnessHR Update
For May 1, 2018
We have started a collaboration with The Blog Frog Our blog will be one of the ones featured and they will write guest blogs on the cavnessHR blog once in awhile. This should be a great way to spread the word of cavnessHR to a larger audience.
We did a storyboard for the cavnessHR site and we are working . . .