My Transition From the Army (Part V)
The World of Startups
Note: The below blog will appear as an article in American Corporate Partners Advisor Net.
Transitioning Veterans have many options to help them find a position. But one option that is overlooked by everyone are the options provided by startups. A startup is a brand new business that is attempting to provide . . .
My Transition From the Army (Part IV)
Syracuse University's VCTP and IVMF
The fourth part of my Transition blog will cover Syracuse University’s Veteran Career Transition Programs – Veteran (VCTP)
Before I begin, I want to reiterate that these blogs are not meant to be positive or negative. The intent is to show what I encountered during my transition. If one person has some value added to their transition . . .
My Transition From the Army (Part III)
Northwest Edge
For part III of this blog I will cover Northwest Edge (now called The Leading Edge).
Northwest Edge is a JBLM specific transition program that focuses on transitioning military staying in the Seattle/JBLM area. To participate in this program you had to be staying in the JBLM/Seattle area after your separation. You had to have an approved . . .
My Transition from the Army Part II
Job Fairs
The second part of blog covering my transition will cover job fairs.
From my perspective attending job fairs was a waste of valuable time and resources during my job search. I attended about 20 job fairs. Only one, in my opinion was worthwhile and that was the MilitaryMOJO job fair. MilitaryMOJO not only sent out the list of . . .
My Transition from the U.S. Army Part I
ACAP and Social Media
This blog will be the first of a few to cover my transition from the U.S. Army. This is not meant to be positive or negative. My intent is to go over everything I did as far as the job search during my transition. Hopefully, this will bring some value to at least one person going through this process now.
Once I made the decision to . . .
What Makes Someone Great?
Be Great Every Day!
What makes someone great and what does it mean to be great?
To different people being great can mean different things. It can mean being the best at your chosen profession. To others it can mean always doing your best regardless of your circumstances. Still to others it means to always being there for others. There might be a . . .
Jumping into the world of blogging
Looking to provide value while building HR capacity and eliminating hassle. Be Great Every Day!
So I have finally decided to jump into the world of blogging. It is my intent to bring value to others with my blogs. Here is some background on myself and what I plan on blogging about.
I recently retired as a Major from the U.S. Army where I spent 25 years doing HR and I have many great experiences to blog about from those years.
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