cavnessHR weekly update
What has been going on with cavnessHR and going all in with cavnessHR
This past week as been a busy one for cavnessHR and for myself. At my place of employment Highline College, I was blindsided and informed that my contract as the HR Director would not be renewed. At Highline College if you are an exempt employee you serve on an annual contract. I had no idea this would happen and I was not given a . . .
How I am Building cavnessHR without a CTO
sometimes things just work out for you
In my previous blogs I talked about my search for a CTO. In this blog, I will talk about how I am building cavnessHR without one. I also did lots of research on if a startup even needs a CTO.
As part of starting cavnessHR, I go to startup networking events. At these events, you learn about various other startups. One such . . .
My Search for a CTO
it has been a continual process
In my last blog I talked about my struggles with finding a CTO. In this blog I will talk about how I went about looking for a CTO. I believe everyone knows how important having a CTO is when building a startup. For a better view of the role of a CTO in a startup, please watch the video.
Around . . .
Finding a Technical Co Founder for cavnessHR
hint - I am still looking
In my last blog, I covered my mid-point review and said in this blog I would give an update on what has been going on with cavnessHR since the beginning of the year.
I am going to change that to me using the next several blogs to provide updates on the last 6 months of cavnessHR. Once I have provided those updates. I . . .
Mid-Point Review
How I have done so far in meeting my yearly goals
I have not blogged as much as I would of liked these previous months and that is something I will work on to improve. At the end of 2016, I wrote a blog post titled, "Yearly Wrap Up." In this blog I talked about my goals for 2017. In this blog I will revisit those goals and provide an update on my progress towards meeting them.
. . .What is cavnessHR?
the story behind cavnessHR and the plan for cavnessHR
I have been working on cavnessHR for over a year now. When I say working, I mean when the idea first came to me, which was January 2016. I have talked to many people about cavnessHR and received some great feedback. I have done lots of networking to spread the idea of cavnessHR. However, I am now realizing I have not yet . . .
People and Organizations I follow
on social media
It has been about a year since I came up with the idea for cavnessHR. During this time, I have met and followed a few people on social media. Or I have met them at networking events. These are people who I believe bring myself and others value. They do their best to make things better for everyone. I believe they all inspire . . .