You Can't Spell Culture Without CULT
“Given that the approval and acceptance of one’s teammates are consequential for almost everyone, a member’s behavior can be shaped readily by almost any group of which he or she is a voluntary member“ (p105, Leading Teams, J Richard Hackman).
Reading this quote sent shivers down my spine . . .
cavnessHR Weekly Update
for September 10, 2019
It has been about a month since we have done our weekly update and we need to get back into the habit of doing this update on a weekly basis.
We continue to work on our partnership with Linked:Seattle. Our first super meet up with them is Wednesday, September 25 at the Embassy Suites at . . .
Posted in: #leadership
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
A talk with Caleb King, host of the People in Tech Podcast
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes – A talk with Caleb King of the People in Tech Podcast
On this episode of the cavnessHR podcast we talk to Caleb King, host of the People in Tech Podcast
Caleb King is a Software Developer and Entrepreneur. Pursuing his . . .
Posted in: #leadership
cavnessHR Weekly Newsletter
Open Office Spaces
Posted in: #leadership
Who’s in Charge of Culture?
If you ask anyone who is in charge of culture in an organization, they will likely give you one response: The CEO. I agree wholeheartedly that culture starts at the top. In fact, when I speak with business leaders who point me towards their HR team for any discussions on culture, I know I’ll find some significant problems . . .
cavnessHR Podcast Show Notes
A talk with Tyler Davis Jones of the Rise Seattle Podcast
On this episode of the cavnessHR podcast we were a guest of the Rise Seattle Podcast and the host Tyler Davis Jones
Jason Cavness is a retired U.S. Army officer who served for 25 years, to include 8 years as an enlisted member.
He has previous startup experience with MyUnfold.
. . .Posted in: #leadership
cavnessHR Weekly Newsletter
Americans with Disability Act
Posted in: #leadership