Colton Becker
Founder, Optimist, Veteran, Improver
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Colton Becker - Founder | Optimist | Veteran | Improver
We talk about the following
Becoming an U.S. Army Ranger and his Army career
Meliorem Inc.
His core values
Making the world a better place
Bunker . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Amber Wright
CMO Sahasrara Inc
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Amber Wright – CMO at Sahasrara Inc
CavnessHR Social Media
CavnessHR website:
Jason’s email:
@CavnessHR across social media
@jasoncavnessHR across social media
We talk about . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Walter J. Whitehead
Managing Director of Madison Street Capital
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Walter J. Whitehead – Managing Director of Madison Street Capital
We talk about the following
Attending Clark Atlanta and the decision to attend a HBCU
Raising Capital
The racial wealth gap
What does a Managing Director do
. . .
Posted in: #leadership
Jimmy Song
Bitcoin Developer, Educator and Entrepreneur
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Jimmy Song – Bitcoin Developer, Educator and Entrepreneur
We talk about the following
What is Bitcoin
Is Bitcoin a drain on resources
Can you make a living as a Bitcoin miner
Eating only meat.
Jimmy’s Bio
Jimmy Song is a . . .