Dr. Spencer Cohen
Principal and Founder of High Peak Strategy LLC
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Dr. Spencer Cohen - Principal and Founder of High Peak Strategy LLC
Click the image above for the video podcast
Here a few of the subjects we talked about
Economic impact modeling
High Peak Strategy LLC
Supply disruptions
China-U.S. relationship
. . .Posted in: #leadership
Renee Radcliff Sinclair
- President/CEO of TVW, Washington’s national award-winning public affairs media network
We talk about the following among a few other subjects
Her time in the Washington State of Representatives
How to become a journalist
Career politicians
Sunshine week
Renee’s Bio
Renee Radcliff Sinclair is president and CEO of TVW, Washington’s national award-winning public affairs media . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Josh Kotoff
SEO Expert - YouTube Strategist
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Josh Kotoff |SEO Expert YouTube Strategist |Franchise and Marketing Solutions
Click below on the image for the video podcast
We talk about the following
Social Media
What determines a successful YouTube channel
Josh’s Bio
. . .Posted in: #leadership
Levi Reed
Co-Founder Eunimart
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Levi Reed - Co-Founder Eunimart, Ex-Amazon
We talk about the following and other subjects
How he became interested in tech and startups
Founder Institute
Startup investing
Levi’s Bio
I graduated from Wells College in upstate NY, near . . .
Charles Hamm
Author of "Ponder on It, Pilgrims: The Bucolic Mark Twain on Critter Councils, Cookie Bandits and Texas Grit"
On this episode of the Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Charles Hamm - Author of “Ponder on It, Pilgrims: The Bucolic Mark Twain on Critter Councils, Cookie Bandits, and Texas Grit”
Charles’ Bio
“Texan to the bone” Charles Hamm is a veteran Marine sergeant and retired successful businessman and . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Jon Shreve
President at MCS
On this episode of The Jason Cavness Experience, I talk to Jon Shreve - President at MCS
We talk about the following
The importance of customer service
Evidenced based clinical decisions
Leveraging AI
His day to day as a CEO
How he mentors and professionally develops people
Jon’s Bio
Mr. Shreve . . .
Posted in: #leadership
Rick West
CEO/Co-Founder Field Agent
On this episode of The Jason Cavness Experience I talk to Rick West - CEO, Co-Founder | Ask About Field Agent’s NEW On-Demand Platform
We talk about the following
How has being a Grandaddy changed him.
Living overseas
How data and insights are changing eCommerce.
Field Agent
Rick’s Bio
. . .Posted in: #leadership